Welcome to texte-tekst

texte-tekst is a platform created by the French Institute in Denmark to promote literary exchanges between Scandinavian countries and France. The site presents a selection of quality books translated into one of the three Scandinavian languages, as well as professional tools and information for publishers.

All the books selected are accompanied by a portrait of the author, a translated extract from the book, information on foreign rights, etc.


Institut francais


The Business of Hate
Jean Louis Missika & Henri Verdier

Social media is undermining the democratic debate; insults and threats are commonplace, and the most widely shared passion is anger. This violence is spilling over into the streets [...]

David Diop

En morgen under Første Verdenskrig starter Kaptajn Armand angrebet mod den tyske fjende, og soldaterne begiver sig ud i krigen. De to skarpskytter fra Senegal, Alfa Ndiaye og [...]

De som bliver boende: Livet i de henvisnende landområder
Benoît Coquard

“A number of unfounded theories have all too readily grown up around the notion of ‘the French periphery’.” (Benoît Coquard)

Line Papin

Scenen udspiller sig i Hanoi, i Vietnam, i de overophedede gader. Det foregår i dag, men kunne lige så vel have foregået for længe siden. Det er en [...]

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