In Mass Culture and Class Society: The Taste for Alterity (Culture de masse et société de classes: Le goût de l'altérité), Philippe Coulangeon studies the cultural dimension of [...]
Non Fiction

L’épreuve de la discrimination : Enquête dans les quartiers populaires
Julien Talpin (FR)Julien Talpin co-authored The Ordeal of Discrimination: A Survey of Working-class Neighborhoods (L'épreuve de la discrimination : Enquête dans les quartiers populaires) with Hélène Balazard, Marion Carrel, Samir [...]

Naissance de l’art contemporain. 1945 – 1970 une histoire mondiale
Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel (FR)In The Birth of Contemporary Art: 1945-1970, a Global History (Naissance de l’art contemporain. 1945-1970 une histoire mondiale), Béatrice Joyeux-Prunel poses an iconoclastic question: has New York, as [...]

Quotidien politique Féminisme, écologie et subsistance
Geneviève Pruvost (FR)In The Political Everyday: Feminism, Ecology, Subsistence (Quotidien politique. Féminisme, écologie, subsistance), Geneviève Pruvost explores contemporary ecological and anticapitalist alternatives to demonstrate that everyday life is a basis [...]

Se ressaisir, enquête autobiographique d’une transfuge de classe féministe
Rose-Marie Lagrave (FR)In To Compose Oneself: An Autobiographical Study of a Feminist Class Passer (Se ressaisir. Enquête autobiographique d’une transfuge de classe féministe), Rose-Marie Lagrave calls into question dominant narratives [...]

Lettre aux professeurs sur la liberté d’expression
François Héran (DA)In his A Letter to Teachers, on Freedom of Expression (Lettre aux professeurs sur la liberté d’expression), Héran’s starting point is President Macron’s tribute to Samuel Paty in [...]

Un corps à soi
Camille Froidevaux-Metterie (FR)For long, women were nothing but bodies, defined by their sexual and maternal functions. The feminist revolution delivered them from these shackles, but also devalorized the female body. [...]

La société de vigilance
Vanessa Codaccioni (FR)The Society of Vigilance (La Société de vigilance) begins with the observation that, everywhere in the world, populations are incited to ensure their own security and that of [...]

Det mærkværdige og skøre eventyr om brødristeren, symaskinen og folk, der bruger dem
Gil Bartholeyns and Manuel Charpy (FR)The Intriguing Adventure of the Toaster, the Sewing Machine and the People who Use Them (L’étrange et folle aventure du grille-pain, de la machine à coudre et des [...]

L’animal et la mort
Charles Stépanoff (FR)Animals and Death (L’animal et la mort) is the result of an immersive study conducted over two years not far from Paris, in an area bordering Perche, Beauce [...]