Animals and Death (L’animal et la mort) is the result of an immersive study conducted over two years not far from Paris, in an area bordering Perche, Beauce and Yvelines. Charles Stépanoff documents the accelerated erosion of rural biodiversity, the ethic of those who kill to feed themselves, the pockets of resistance to modernization policies, as well as recent disputes between animal rights activists and people who hunt with hounds. Exploring old vernacular cosmologies and rituals to honor game, the anthropologist reveals the figure of the “empathic predator,” and the paradoxical relationships between hunting, protection and compassion.
« Charles Stépanoff excelle à démêler cet écheveau d’émotions réciproques entre le chasseur et son gibier [...] En montrant que les chasseurs, ces proches si lointains, ont encore quelque chose à nous dire à ce sujet, Charles Stépanoff plaide pour un « pluralisme de cosmologies et de modes de vie ». Il nous réapprend surtout à regarder en face l’altérité des gens et des bêtes, l’intarissable prodigalité de la vie. »
Udenlandske rettigheder
Charles StépanoffCharles Stépanoff is an anthropologist, a director of studies at the School of Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS), and a member of the Laboratory of Social Anthropology at…