Welcome to texte-tekst

texte-tekst is a platform created by the French Institute in Denmark to promote literary exchanges between Scandinavian countries and France. The site presents a selection of quality books translated into one of the three Scandinavian languages, as well as professional tools and information for publishers.

All the books selected are accompanied by a portrait of the author, a translated extract from the book, information on foreign rights, etc.


Institut francais


Du ligner en jødepige
Cloé Korman

“With this reflection on racism, I wanted to introduce a nuanced discourse, open to criticism.” (Cloé Korman)

På den syvende dag
Luc Lang

Thomas, en 37-årig it-specialist og far til to små børn, bliver ringet op af politiet og  informeret om, at hans kone har været ude for en voldsom ulykke på [...]

Mercy, Mary, Patty
Lola Lafon

I februar 1974 bliver Patricia Hearst – barnebarn til pressemagnaten William Randolph Hearst – bortført mod krav om løsepenge af en gruppe revolutionære. Hun bliver langsomt tilhænger af [...]

Emmanuel Carrère

Dette er historien om en bog om yoga og depression. Meditation og terrorisme. Længslen efter samhørighed og bipolar lidelse. Ting, der ikke ser ud til at passe sammen, [...]

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