Welcome to texte-tekst

texte-tekst is a platform created by the French Institute in Denmark to promote literary exchanges between Scandinavian countries and France. The site presents a selection of quality books translated into one of the three Scandinavian languages, as well as professional tools and information for publishers.

All the books selected are accompanied by a portrait of the author, a translated extract from the book, information on foreign rights, etc.


Institut francais


Kunsten ikke at være for styret
Jean-Claude Monod

“Criticism of neoliberalism shouldn’t entail the wholesale indictment of liberalism.” (Jean-Claude Monod)

Den ukendte kvinde fra the Factory
Basile Panurgias

Alvise er født og lever i Venedig, hvor hans far forhandler fórcoler, disse træstykker med den så særegne form, som sidder på hver side af alle gondolerne for [...]

De som bliver boende: Livet i de henvisnende landområder
Benoît Coquard

“A number of unfounded theories have all too readily grown up around the notion of ‘the French periphery’.” (Benoît Coquard)

La société de vigilance
Vanessa Codaccioni

The Society of Vigilance (La Société de vigilance) begins with the observation that, everywhere in the world, populations are incited to ensure their own security and that of [...]

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