Welcome to texte-tekst

texte-tekst is a platform created by the French Institute in Denmark to promote literary exchanges between Scandinavian countries and France. The site presents a selection of quality books translated into one of the three Scandinavian languages, as well as professional tools and information for publishers.

All the books selected are accompanied by a portrait of the author, a translated extract from the book, information on foreign rights, etc.


Institut francais


Hun løj om vingerne
Francesca Serra

Un premier roman né de deux interrogations générationnelles : quelle influence le monde numérique a-t-il sur l’évolution du langage, et comment la société de l’hyperconnexion entretient-elle une mélancolie [...]

Christian Salmon

“Storytelling has been replaced by clash.” (Christian Salmon)

Waiting for robots
Antonio Casilli

“Intelligence and autonomy are not solely the purview of robots.” (Antonio Casilli)

Mistralens fortælling
Olivier Mak-Bouchard

Efter en nat med voldsomt uvejr hører han den gamle bonde fra nabohuset, Monsieur Sécaillat, banke på sin sommerhusdør. Hvad har dog kunnet få denne hemmelighedsfulde, pukkelryggede, normalt [...]

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